1201 Us Highway 1,
North Palm Beach, FL 33408
Life insurance helps take care of your loved one's immediate and future financial needs following your death. Immediate needs can include burial/funeral expenses, uninsured medical costs and current bills and debts. Future needs could include income replacement, education plans, ongoing family obligations, emergency funds, and retirement expenses.
Aflac offers a variety of life insurance to suit every need and income:
-Term life insurance
Provides a death benefit for a specific length of time, usually 20 or 30 years. Coverage expires at the end of the term.
-Whole life insurance
Offers a death benefit, plus an investment component that may be collected, borrowed or used to pay the policy's premiums. The policy may remain in force for a lifetime, as long as the premiums are paid.
-Juvenile life insurance
Provides a death benefit up to the age of 25, when the policy can be converted to a whole life policy.
Copyright 2010
Term Life Insurance Riders
To cover children, a rider may be added to Aflac's term or whole life policies.
